How To Delegate

Delegating means to pass responsibility to others. Delegating helps you to concentrate on what you do best and allows you to think, plan and improve organizational efficiency. You delegate tasks that are cost and time effective for others to do for you. You also delegate tasks that people can do better than you can. You get a lot done. You can accomplish more when others help. Whether you are leading your family, company or softball team, you must be able to delegate assignments.

Here are a few suggestions on effective delegating:

• Match the right person to the right task.
• Explain as precisely as possible your expectations for the task.
• Establish a date when you expect the task to be completed.
• Be sure that sufficient time and resources are available to complete the task.
• Ask the person to assume responsibility for the task.
• Encourage feedback if problems develop.
• Ensure that the person understands the task and due date.
• Schedule times and methods for checks and updates.
• Say, “Thank you.”
• Follow up.


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