How to Solve Your Personal Problems

Masters of Success aren’t people without problems but people willing to confront and deal with the problems they have. What are you anxious about? What are you worried about and what’s the worst that can happen? Will the problem definitely occur or is it only a possibility? How serious is the problem? Can you deal with it yourself or should you call for the help of others? Is worrying about the problem worse than the problem? Is there a simple or immediate solution? How would a coward act? How would one of your heroes respond? Have you successfully resolved a similar problem in the past? Now, how will the self-confident and capable you handle this problem? You are tired. You want to do anything else but deal with this problem. You deal with it anyway. It is resolved. You move on.

Quiet time is very important to problem solving. It helps you to focus on the matter at hand, eliminate extraneous points and develop workable solutions and options. And, perhaps, most importantly, it allows you to clarify if the problem under discussion is the actual problem or just a convenient or socially acceptable substitute for a deeper hidden concern. Make sure that the problem you are solving is the real problem. Look deeply within to identify the attitudes which may have been holding back your progress.

  • Begin by precisely defining the problem. Stick to the issue.
  • Analyze the problem from different perspectives.
  • Consider solutions. If appropriate, brainstorm with others or seek professional help.
  • Consider the ramifications of different solutions.
  • Choose your best option.
  • Take action.
  • Follow – up. Review. Adjust.
  • Move on.

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