Very Soon, You’ll Be The Boss

Everything about making money comes back to the Action Principles®: persistence, determination and hard work coupled with a clear view of who is going to give you their money and why. Masters of Success aren’t just going through the motions at work. They are constantly thinking and evaluating their positions. They take pride in their work. They are not at work to socialize and make friends. They are at work to work.

As a Master of Success, you choose to put yourself among the elite which means being different. If you are a student, you want to be a serious student focused on your education and not your campus social life. If you are an employee, you want to be a serious employee focused on company goals and not daydreaming and bothering others with details about your personal life. Yes, as a Master of Success, you will be different. Yes, others with less ambition will not like you. Yes, some will be jealous and gossip about you as an anti-social suck-up. Unfortunately for them, your ambition and corporate advancement could mean that you could become their boss. You could become their boss very soon.


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