Young Masters

As a young Master of Success, the differences in attitude between you and your peers may seem slight. Without protesting, you do your homework and chores. You appreciate what you have. You take care of your possessions. You are more interested in activities like sports and scouting and earning spending money and volunteering, than you are swooning over the best looking kid at school, endlessly texting or constantly figuring out how to get high. Think for yourself. Although these positive choices may go unacknowledged or even ridiculed by an unimportant few, over time, even slight differences in attitude and performance make a huge difference in the person you become. Think for yourself.

You can be successful and have fun without being an outcast. Even as a teen, you can prioritize. Busy people use time productively. You can go to band or lacrosse practice and do your homework first and then have fun social networking online. You can keep your room neat and work a small part-time job and still have time for your friends on weekends. Open your eyes and ears because it can be done and the young Masters of Success are doing it.

Does anyone need to tell you right from wrong? Does anyone need to tell you who are life’s winners and losers? Some young people will grow to be presidents and physicians and teachers and coaches and great parents. Some will deflate to end up as abusers with broken families. Good or bad decisions reinforce other good or bad decisions, eventually creating productive or unproductive lives. Choose to figure out how your winning peers act and choose them as friends. Choose not to be a spineless lemming following the losers over the cliff.


If you are from a good home, thank God. Now, build upon your good fortune. If you are from a dysfunctional home, let this awareness of what not to do make you tough. Find the strength to rise above. If the Action Principles® speak to you, you have the potential to become a Master of Success.


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