Elite Training is Mindful

Elite training is mindful.  It’s called deliberate practice.

Many average people scurry around feeling active and good about themselves while achieving little.  Think treadmill which is good for the body and soul but you aren’t getting anywhere no matter how fast you are running.

Activity is not enough.  Working is not enough.  If you wish to reach and function on the elite level, you must be willing to pay the price demanded of deliberate practice.

What is deliberate practice?

Deliberate practice is a willingness to identify and concentrate on improving your weak areas.

Continuing with the martial arts, let’s say that you are learning a new martial arts form and are having trouble with a particular kick.

Simple practice would be doing the new form over and over again.

Deliberate practice would be isolating that troublesome kick and concentrating on improving that one kick.  The champion is willing to give more time and effort to the weakest components of their game.

Here is the difference between the average athlete and the elite athlete.

The average athlete under the supervision of his or her coach will work on the troublesome kick.  Average people are good at doing what they are told.  However, when unsupervised the average athlete will think “I hate doing that kick” and will revert back to doing what is easier, in this case, the whole form rather than specifically working on that one kick.  Average athletes will practice and will feel good about themselves for making an effort.  After all, they aren’t spectators or slackers.

Also, average athletes don’t want to be seen as klutzes by their average teammates.  Better to remain average than to run the risk of looking the foolish as you stumble along the learning curve.

You get the idea.  In comparison, the elite athlete will seek out and willingly accept harsh criticism knowing that doing “the hard part of the job” is, in fact, the path to real improvement.  Yes, elite athletes are able to put the ego and the warm fuzzy feelings aside while they sweat, fall, hate practice and become champions


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