Record Your Thoughts

You are a thinking person of action. You are curious, vibrant and alive. You are alert and aware, forever a student watching for what the world can teach you.

In the midst of the chaos of modern life, from ads and news and conversations, you are bombarded with thousands of bits of information. For many, this becomes no more than just a continuous mindless blur. You are different. Pause to consider. What are you learning to further your personal and business objectives? What impresses you? What inspires and motivates you? What turns you away? You like it. Take note. You don’t like it. Take note.

On your smart phone or tablet, record your thoughts. Record significant names, places, ideas, strategies, styles and behaviors. At a specific time or in any odd moment, go back to your notes and cross out, underline, edit or expand. Your knowledge base grows. This is productive time and over time, through reflection, your personal philosophy emerges.


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