Hug Your Mom

Masters of Success are doers. Analysis and research are very important. Listening to others and getting second opinions are very important. However, the time for decisive action will come. The United States Marines look for the odds to be seventy percent in their favor and then they go, go, go and adjust along the way. They aren’t frozen in place by constant second-guessing. They don’t insist on guarantees where none exist. Consensus is wonderful but there are times when a leader must buck the conventional wisdom, seize the initiative, make a decision and take action.

As a Master of Success, you won’t constantly want to preach, berate or make a spectacle of yourself to reach your goals. Given a choice, people are going to give promotions to, work harder for, prefer to do business with and follow a person whose personal example commands respect.

Your mother may be overprotective. Go and give her a hug. Then, walk out the door and do what needs to be done. If your old friends are weak and stuck in the past, then admit that you’ve outgrown them and find new friends. If your co-workers are constantly moaning about the unfairness and cluelessness of management, help them by becoming a manager. Play to the winners.


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