Mindfully mind your own business

You are a mindful.  You are a tough, thoughtful, spiritual person of action.

You work hard.  You are mission oriented.  You stive to be friendly, generous and helpful.  You listen.  You volunteer.  This is what it means to be mindful.

Being mindful also requires an understanding and acceptance that there are smart people and dumb people, hard working people and lazy people, saints and sinners and those who don’t even act in their own self-interest.

Lots of people could be doing lots of things that don’t meet with your approval.  Yes, get used to it.

As a general mental health rule, mind your own business.  Concentrate on completing your next mission and being the best you.   If you are a parent, teacher, coach, manager or drill sergeant, you have an obligation to express your opinions and intervene.   Otherwise, unsolicited advice is  usually taken as criticism.  You will find greater contentment accepting others as they choose to be.

If you want respect, then realize that quietly being a good person and doing your own thing is a powerful example.



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