Quick, It’s Quicksand!

If in a known or suspected quicksand area, carry a long stiff pole to test the ground in front of you. The pole can also be used to help you escape. Carry a rope. If the ground starts to ripple beneath you step back quickly but smoothly. In a suspect area, groups should spread out.

If you have a pole, lay it behind you as soon as you begin to sink. Lean back and lie on our back. Roll the pole down to your hips. Gradually work your way, slowly paddle, to the edge of the quicksand pit.

Shoes and boots can cause suction. If possible go barefoot. Drop everything including backpacks. Do not trash or kick. Relax. Getting out of quicksand can be a time consuming process. Take your time. Breathe deeply. Do not struggle. You can float in quicksand. Try to get on your back and float slowly to the secure edge and then roll onto hard ground.


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