Shun Average

Average is settling for mediocrity.

Average is being like everyone else.

Average people may buy one house but never invest in six.

Average people will treat their one home as an ATM as they keep digging deeper into debt.

Average works would groan at the prospect of working 50 hours per week.

Average workers do all they can to avoid the harder parts of their jobs. Average people balk at risk and the rejections and the sacrifices associated with entrepreneurship.

Average people have little saved for retirement. Average people overeat and do not exercise enough.

Average people find it difficult to commit to much. Average people look for the village to raise their children.

Average people have an entitlement mentality. “Give me. I want it. Where’s mine?” It’s OK for others or future generations to pay.

As a Master of Success, you hate this thinking.

How can you live an extraordinary life if you are willing, even anxious, to settle for the ordinary?


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