Are You Important?

Alert and aware, you judge the security of your position and realistic opportunities for advancement. Awareness is not paranoia. Awareness in a corporate environment is self-reliance and self-preservation. You are responsible for yourself. In the final analysis, whatever career path you have chosen, you are really working for yourself. Be a reality thinker and not a wishful thinker.

Do you see employee discontent and customer complaints on the rise? How important are you to the company? Are you stuck in a position where you could easily be blamed for mistakes that are beyond your control? If the company is sold or taken over, how secure is your job? If you are laid off, what are your options? If you were the consumer, would you do business with your company? Do your research and be honest because this is your livelihood at stake. Are competitors’ products just as good or better than yours? Maybe you should plan to get out and find another job while the getting is good. Be realistic. Your loyalty to your company may be admirable but not necessarily reciprocal. Wake up and smell the coffee. You’ve got to replace yourself on your terms and not when hundreds or thousands of your co-workers are being laid off at the same time. Get your head out of the sand. This is your problem to resolve.


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